Diego Bonavida
Hey, I'm Diego and I'm a frontend developer. I've built this small place just so I can post about things I find interesting and some other discoveries I make.
My interests in software are JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js & Vue, among others.
If you want to know more about me, these are the posts that I've been publishing here, and these are the projects I've been working on.
Bonus! If you're even more curious about what I've been listening this week the most, here you have:
Ready for the FloorHot Chip
Orange RoadBronze
Dance Boys (Feat. Paulita Demaíz)Fitness Forever
MontezumaFleet Foxes
Secret WorldTears for Fears
Fight TestThe Flaming Lips
Mr. BrightsideThe Killers
CrystalisedThe xx
Sometime LaterAlpha
Do The WhirlwindArchitecture in Helsinki